ELM 2024 - 2025
Miss Smith
Hello and welcome to Class Elm
In Class Elm, the teacher is Molly Smith. The teaching assistants are Jasmine, Scott, Jade and Bernadette.
Special Breakfast happens each week on a Friday where we give our certificates to our Rights Respecting Superstars and find out which Duty bearers have earned an extra special mention too.
Please try to read with your child regularly either online using Active Learn or using a reading book.
Pupils have been given their login details to access our school learning apps at home. Please contact your class team if you need the login details to be re-sent.
Active Learn – https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
My Maths – https://www.mymaths.co.uk
Purple Mash – https://www.purplemash.com/sch/bridgeleapupilre
TTRS – https://play.ttrockstars.com/
The children in our class who are Y4 will be doing the Multiplication Y4 test in the 2nd and 3rd week of the half term.
Please find details of what we are covering this half term in Elm Class
As readers and writers, we are using our topic of Light and we will be creating a story to entertain, a letter to persuade and informing our audience about the best way to catch a monster. The books we are studying to help us with our writing are 'Orion and the Dark, Owl Babies and 'The King who Banned the Dark'.
As mathematicians, we are learning about fractions and percentages, multiplication and division and measure this half term. We will practise our times tables daily each morning in Early Bird. The children will tackle fluency, reasoning and problem solving challenges with the support of concrete and pictorial, abstract methods. The children have logins for the websites TT Rockstars and My Maths which they can access at home if they choose.
As historians, we are continuing our learning from Summer 1 about the Stone Age and discussing how the period has impacted on life in Britain today.
As global citizens, our focus this half term is about celebrating differences. We will explore what a community is and how many different communties we are part of. We will also be celebrating Pride Month.
As global citizens, this half term we will be looking at how we can learn from different religions to support us to know what is right and wrong.
As scientists, we are looking at different light sources, day and night, nocturnal animals and shadows. We will develop our investigation skills by setting up different experiements to support our learning.
As technology users, we are learning about how to stay safe online this half term as we prepare for the transition to the Summer holidays.
As athletes, we will be how to climb as part of our outdoor education offer. The children will also be swimming increasing their confidence in water and learning how to swim 25m.
As artists we will be developing our drawing skills with a particular focus on using materials to create texture and tone. We will be learning and practising our art skills with Jo our resident artist and our class team.
As linguists we will be learning new vocabularly linked to homes and where we live in Spanish.
As musicians, we will be listening to a wide range of musical pieces and discussing how these make us feel and why?
Nurture Principle
As the children come to the end of another school year, we will recognise that transition is important and will be focusing on ensuring children are ready for the summer holidays and next the next academic year.
Thank you for all your support this year!