

School Uniform and Valuables

ALL PUPILS MUST WEAR SCHOOL UNIFORM. This should be a Bridgelea Jumper or previous school’s sweatshirt, white polo shirt, school trousers/skirt and sensible schools. 

Please make sure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child's name! 

Children should not bring any personal items to school, such as jewellery, mobile phones or money. Some children occasionally bring phones to play on the buses on the journey. These items will be removed from your child and kept in the office until the end of the day. If your child refuses to hand them over to staff, you will be asked to attend the school to take the item home.

School staff will endeavour to create an environment where personal and school property is respected and looked after, but we are not responsible for the items should they go missing or get damaged. If a child loses an item or something of their own gets damaged during school time, staff will make every effort to find lost items or take action if damage was caused wilfully, but school will not be responsible for replacing these items. If a personal item is lost or damaged at school, parents should always bring the matter to the attention of the class teacher so that school can make every effort to resolve the situation appropriately.

Price List

School Jumper (bottle green with Bridgelea logo) 

Size 28” – 34”  -  £8.60
M - L                -  £10.00

School Polo Shirt (white with Bridgelea logo)                 

Size 28” – 34”  -   £6.95
M - L                -   £8.95



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